Doubting Thomas
Not that long ago my partner Margie and I were walking to the book store on a warm spring evening. Having recently discovered that I have high cholesterol, I had become very interested in foods that might help me lower it to an acceptable level.
Margie had read something about the cholesterol lowering qualities of of red wine and wondered aloud if grape juice might have the same effect. I responded simply "They think it might, but it's not proven." A gentlemen walking by stopped, turned and shouted at me, saying "It is proven, Jesus is the son of God and you're a doubting Thomas."
Can one believe that Jesus is the son of God but not in the cholesterol lowering qualities of grape juice? How did he know my middle name is Thomas? Should I be eating more fiber as well. It was as if my spiritual health and physical health had come to a crossroads...who would pass, Jesus or the grape juice?
Religion, like grape juice, often creates more questions than it answers.
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